Jesus doesn't want leaders or more involvement and activities. He wants disciples. He never said "Go into the world and make committees..." He said "make disciples." Perhaps part of the heresy of activism or involvement is to misunderstand this key aspect of Christianity. Doing things at church does not make you automatically holy or good. Being involved can be a great way to get to know other Christians, but it won't necessarily lead you to a better faith life and connection to Christ. Sometimes we get so caught up in making sure people are involved that we never ask if their personal relationship with Jesus is growing. We, especially Catholics, just assume that our faith in Him must be growing if we are spending more time doing things at church. But not necessarily.
What Jesus needs is disciples. People who are completely surrendered to Him. Those who really get to know him, love him, and serve him. In that order. Don't give me more leaders. I want disciples.
Reading through the Gospel of today (Luke 51-68) we get a depiction of some would-be followers of Jesus. Some are not ready to follow him right now. Some have other pretexts and are tied down by family obligations. Others are attached to money, jobs, commitments, worldly honors, or even church honors. Some are not ready to be surrendered to letting Jesus take over their whole life. And these are not fit yet for the kingdom.
I've translated a copy of the Entrance Exam to be accepted into the School of the Disciples of Jesus. It's originally from José Prado Flores, a great New Evangelist from Guadalajara, México. The Prezi program in Spanish is an excellent rendition of his 4 points of what it takes to be a disciple as well. You can see it here: Exam de Admisión
And remember, this is not the course of discipleship. This is merely the entrance exam. The life and teachings of Jesus come after we are admitted...
School of the Disciples of Jesus
Circle your response
- Have I decided to accept Jesus as my only Master,
renouncing the advantages and any other thing
against his teachings?
- Am I ready to follow Him immediately and for my whole life?
- Do I renounce every thing structure, privilege,
or person that separates me from Him?
- Have I taken up my cross of service as a plan for life?
_______________ _____________________________
Date Signature
0 YES and 4 NO: You are not accepted into the School of Discipleship
1 YES and 3 NO: You are not accepted into the School of Discipleship
2 YES and 2 NO: You are not accepted into the School of Discipleship
3 YES and 1 NO: You are not accepted into the School of Discipleship
4 YES and 0 NO: The only way to be admitted to the School of Discipleship
Y por supesto, en español tambien:
Encierra en un círculo tu respuesta:
- ¿Decido a aceptar a Jesús como mi único Mastero,
renunciado a las ventajas de cualquier otro
que contradiga sus enseñanzas?
- ¿Estoy dispuesto a seguirlo inmediatamente y para toda la vida?
- ¿Renuncio a cualquier cosa, estructura, privilegio
o persona que me aparte de él?
- ¿Tomo la cruz de servicio como plan de vida? SI NO
_______________ _____________________________
Fecha Firma
0 SI y 4 NO: No aceptado en la Escuela del Discipulado
1 SI y 3 NO: No aceptado en la Escuela del Discipulado
2 SI y 2 NO: No aceptado en la Escuela del Discipulado
3 SI y 1 NO: No aceptado en la Escuela del Discipulado
4 SI y 0 NO: Unica manera de ser admitido a la Escuela del Discipulado