Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Prayer of Humble Trust

A Prayer of Humble Trust
Psalm 131        Lord, I have given up my pride
                           and turned away from my
            I am not concerned with great matters
                 or with subjects too difficult for me.
            Instead, I am content and at peace.
            As a child lies quietly in its mother’s
                 so my heart is quiet within me.
            Israel, trust in the Lord
                now and forever!              Catholic Rainbow Study Bible

Wow! How this Psalm speaks to me! My heart melts when I image myself being always content and at peace. This is what I long for; what I strive for!
How many times have I been worried, stressed, and sad about matters that are out of my control? I have worried about the future, my appearance, even about going on this trip to WYD. For some reason, many steps we have had to take to prepare for this trip have been very hard for me. I believe that the devil is trying to have his way with me. He wants to keep me from growing in my faith and my relationships with other college students who are seeking the Lord.
I have been fighting a battle within myself. It started at the beginning of this year when I began to lose my good health. I had mono but I did not know for a while. I was struggling to pay attention in class. I did not have energy to be social. I was exhausted and the devil saw this as a good time to strike. Thankfully, because of the foundation I had already built to keep me practicing my Catholic faith in college and because of the Catholic friends in my life I pulled through this hard time (I am still going through this battle but I am getting stronger). Looking back and as I still process everything I have been able to pick out good that came from this time. As I was changing parts of my life, the devil began to up his game and tried hard to keep me from changing. However, I was able to recognize his voice in my head. The support of others like my Catholic roommates and other strong Catholic friends, my Catholic boyfriend, and the missionaries at Evangelical Catholic kept me going. I am purposefully pointing out that these people were all Catholic because 1) I love the Catholic faith and 2) having a network of other Catholics in your life who are also striving to live a life that will bring them closer to Christ and the kingdom of God is a beautiful thing! I love you all dearly.
So, going back to this psalm. This psalm was pointed out to me last week at ETC (Evangelical Training Camp). I immediately fell in love with it. I tend to over think everything. I do this sometimes when I am thinking about God. But with this psalm I realize that a sweet humble trust in God will bring me closer to the Lord than any amount of contemplating I do on matters that are too great for me at this time.
How might I obtain a heart that is quiet within me? Through personal, private time with our Lord. Jesus is always there, waiting and longing for us to come to him. He is our best friend and we must foster our relationship with Him by spending time with our Lord every day.

            “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says The Lord, plans for you welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you, says The Lord, and I will change your lot.”

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